Mind F**k
to my former lovers
whose names still part my lips
while i cum
imagining their heads
buried between my thighs
clenching their hair
still picturing their eyes
locked with mine
to my never lovers
the ones i wouldn’t dare speak of my lust for
the ones too taboo to ever have
but to whom i fantasize
while writhing myself to orgasm
in precarious situations
that only imagination would allow
to my wishful lovers
whom I never gave a second glance
the ones who lustfully think of me
who felt my siren call
if only in their minds
who imagine my hands on them
in those moments of self induced ecstasy
may we all meet in that place
our most erotic place
the one between our eyes
the place where everything is possible
and nothing is tangible
in that place
you will always be mine
and i yours
yet never